Getting singles ready to ply – The Cuttle Corner #10

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The Cuttle Corner # 10 – November 1, 2023

Welcome to the tenth edition of the Cuttle Corner! This week I’ve spun, knit, and crocheted yarn. I can’t wait to show you!

If you missed last week’s post, you can take a look here.

Now, let’s get cozy!

What’s going on

Another Halloween has come and gone. We didn’t do too much this year, not even a carved pumpkin. But I did bake some pumpkin cookies and we took the kiddos (a pirate and a dragon, both costumes made by me) trick-or-treating.

The dragon costume had a rip at the top of the leg, but using one of my favorite mending stitches it was a quick fix it was ready to go.

Closeup image of a blue dragon Halloween costume with a tear that has been repaired.

My favorite part of Halloween is seeing all the kids dressed up, running on pure sugar, and having a great time.

If you are in the US, this is a reminder to go vote! Election day is next week.

Image of an I voted sticker still attached to the mailer insert.

What I’m working on


After a few weeks of not much progress on my spinning, I made a point to prioritize spinning time.

I finished spinning my purple Polwarth/silk blend singles. These were spun woolen, over the fold, and will spend some time resting on the bobbin.

Image of a brown spinning wheel bobbing full of purple single ply yarn in various shades being held by a white person's hand.

While this yarn rests, I wound my mystery white singles into a center pull ball for plying. My Schacht Ladybug spinning wheel has a built in lazy kate so I didn’t bother with wind my yarn up on a niddy noddy and using my swift. Instead, I found a way to clamp my ball winder to my craft cart and wind straight from the bobbin.

Image of a ball winder attached sideways to a black, three tiered rolling cart with baskets and boxes visible. White yarn is being wound onto the ball winder.

This set up had the ball winder on its side, so the ball of yarn did jump off the ball winder halfway through.

Image of a cake of white yarn that has fallen off of the ball winder onto the carpeted floor.

I just broke the yarn there and wound a second ball. It will probably be easier to ply two smaller amounts of yarn than one giant ball.

These singles are ready to ply next week!

Image of two cakes of white, single ply yarn sitting next to each other on a wood surface.


I am still moving at a pretty fast pace joining all the squares for my Hygge Burst crochet blanket. I’ve finished 11 out of 17 rows. The blanket is almost longer than it is wide!

Image of a partially completed crochet granny square blanket resting over the back and one arm of a vintage style chair with sage green velvet upholstery and wood arms and legs.

We’ve had noticably colder weather this week so I keep reaching for this project first, just so I can snuggle under it while I crochet.


I didn’t get quite as far on my Kildalton cardigan as I had expected. The main body is still about an inch short of where I want to underarm to start. One more main cable pattern repeat should make this section long enough to start the next part of the pattern. I just need to keep knitting away at it.

Image of a cream colored knit fabric with a Celtic cable motif still on a pair of circular knitting needles resting on a vintage style chair with sage green upholstery and wooden arms.

Until next time, keep cuttle-ing!

What are you working on? I’d love to hear about your projects in the comments below!

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