One More Row to Go – The Cuttle Corner # 12
November 15, 2023
Welcome to the twelfth edition of The Cuttle Corner! There is only one more row to go on my granny square blanket.
If you missed last week’s post, you can take a look here.
Now, let’s get cozy!
What’s going on
My big win for the week was getting a carload full of things out of the house! Most of it was baby things my kids have outgrown going to another family with a little one on the way. I am always happy to see things get used, but I was equally excited to get some space back.
I also donated a couple of boxes to a thrift shop. Hopefully, those items will find their way to someone who can use them too.
I hope to keep the momentum going and clean out some more areas of my house soon! It’s amazing how clearing out just one load made such a big difference.
What I’m working on
I didn’t have a lot of time to spin this week. I’m still plying my mystery white fiber into a two-ply yarn from a center pull ball on my Schacht Ladybug spinning wheel in my little spinning corner.

I love how this yarn is turning out. It is so soft and I always love the look of a two-ply yarn. It will be interesting to see what it looks like after it is washed.

I am planning to dye this yarn after it is finished. I’ve only dyed once before, so it will be fun to try it again, and I will of course show you how it all turns out.

I am so close to finishing joining all the squares together on my Hygge Burst Granny Square Blanket! I only have one more row to go! With the last row on I will just need to crochet a border, weave in a few ends and the blanket will be done.

One thing I love about this blanket is remembering old projects that used the same yarn as I go work through the different squares. And this blanket is already Watney approved!

I didn’t work on my Kildalton sweater at all this week. With my blanket so close to finished I worked on that instead, trying to get it done. But never fear! I will be back to knitting on it soon.

Even though I didn’t work on my cardigan, I did have a fun knitting experiment that I will share the results of in my Friday post, so be sure to check back then!
It is week two of NaNoWriMo! If you aren’t familiar with that phrase, it is an abbreviation of National Novel Writing Month. I’ve been participating in my own little way by trying to write at least 200 words a day on a story idea I have. This word count will not result in a whole novel at the end of the month, but it is a good way to build up the habit of writing.
So far I have only missed one day, but I got right back at it the next day. On the days I have written I’ve managed more than my goal without much trouble. I’m having a lot of fun trying out this new form of creativity.
Until next time, keep cuttle-ing!
What are you working on? I’d love to hear about your projects in the comments below!